// tAI // tAI Show ‘Welcome to the AnteRoom’ – opening 07 Sept 2012, 9pm, Antwerp

The AnteRoom is the lobby of The Arts Institute, located at Kattenberg 93 in Borgerhout – Antwerp. The Arts Institute is the public department of the Institute of Idle Curiosity for Elements of Seduction. As the research labs of the institute are not open to the public, the AnteRoom functions also as their front reception and show space. Abandoned research artefacts from the labs are continuously on view, and currently also preparations for a next project in cooperation with Extra City, Antwerp.

De AnteRoom is de lobby van The Arts Institute, Kattenberg 93, Borgerhout – Antwerpen. The Arts Institute is het publieke departement van het Institute of Idle Curiosity for Elements of Seduction. Omdat de onderzoekslabo’s van het instituut niet toegankelijk zijn voor het publiek fungeert The AnteRoom ook als hun ontvangst- en tentoonstellingsruimte. Er worden permanent afgedankte onderzoeksobjecten getoond, en momenteel ook de voorbereidingen voor een volgend project in samenwerking met Extra City.

Location: The AnteRoom, Kattenberg 93, 2140 Borgerhout

Official opening of The AnteRoom: Friday 7 September 2012, 21h00 – 24h00

This show runs simultaneous with (and as part of the programme of) the Contemporary Art festival BHART#1 in Borgerhout – Antwerp (see www.bhart.be)

Opening hours:
– Saturday 8 September 2012: 13h00 – 19h00
– Sunday 9 September 2012: 13h00 – 19h00
– Friday 14 September 2012: 13h00 – 17h00
– Saturday 15 September 2012: 13h00 – 17h00

Visit by appointment: +32 473 97 50 72